Does Metroplex Midwifery support vaginal breech birth?
Yes! We have experience with vaginal breech birth (VBB), and make evidence based recommendations to you regarding how you may wish to proceed. Please Contact Us for more details!
- Skilled birth care at home for persistent breech babies
- Hands off unless need for maneuvers is recognized
- Recommendations for exercises and body work to help baby turn
- Gentle External Cephalic Version if you wish to try and have us manually turn your baby.
- Hospital support if able to find breech friendly provider, or support in transport if labor at home is not progressing normally. Please note there are currently no in hospital providers locally who offer VBB for first time births.
We are passionate about offering safe birthing options, including natural breech delivery. We are very grateful for cesarean birth when needed, but too often no other choices are offered in hospital. We seek to expand these choices. We have trained with Breech Without Borders as well as many other classes throughout the years. We have been featured in the BWB textbook with one of our clients!

Resources for Breech Parents
We recommend you be well informed of your options and what to expect for a breech birth at home. Here are some of our favorite resources!